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What we Believe

This church believes in the preaching and teaching of God's Word for the salvation of lost souls and the edification of the believers.  We believe in the 5-fold ministry, water baptism, the baptism and in-filling of the Holy Spirit with evidence of speaking in other tongues, as the Holy Spirit gives utterance. We belive that believers are called to use their gifts and talents to glorify God and that He still performs miracles.


In a world that magnifies the worst in humanity, We choose to teach on, preach about and serve the God who is love by loving Him and sharing His Love with our fellow men.


We believe that by teaching and preaching God's Word, every person can be saved by Jesus Christ. We empower believers to find their place in the Body of Christ to fulfill His will.

Our Mission

To bring knowledge, understanding and wisdom in the Word of God to the world , through the revelation of the Holy Spirit, research and shared experiences.


To encourage positive behavioural and attitudinal outcomes for individuals, families, communities and the world at large, upon learning and applying the principles extricated from the Word of God, as revealed by the Holy Spirit, using audio-visual, print and social media, and face-to-face sessions.



Application of the lessons taught from the Bible can result in a range of responses from exceptionally positive behaviour modification to strong resistance. We do not intend to represent or guarantee that everyone will achieve the same/similar results. We pray for the will of God to be done at all times.



Our Mission

Our Vision

To convert the world to actively and daily live the principles of Yeshua Hamashiach, Jesus the Christ,as taught by the Bible..."Love God our Creator; love our fellow men." 

We Need Your Support Today!

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